Hot News and B2B Web Marketing Pills

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What’s a vlog?

What’s a vlog and how can it be part of a B2B web marketing strategy? A vlog is a set of videos that someone regularly posts on the internet in which they record their thoughts or experiences or talk about a subject. (Collins) A vlog (Video Blog) could be defined as…

B2B Web Marketing Channels

B2B can use specific web marketing channels and tools which can help them optimize their online communication strategy to all the different stakeholders. We collected 9 trending B2B web marketing channels: B2B Matchmaking Platforms:   B2B Matchmaking Platforms are platforms where businesses can register, describe…

5 B2B Web marketing tips

Mobile-Friendly Website: be sure your website is optimized for mobile devices with immediate information and easy navigation Be straightforward: mention your audience in your website “Are you a business owner?… Are you a PA?…. This way your visitors will be able to know if they…