Boosting in-store sales with online ads
6 strategies to master your online presence and drive sales to your stores Increasing in-store sales isn’t easy, but with the right approach, you can see significant results very quickly and for much less money than you might think. The following guide is about how…
B2B Web Marketing Channels
B2B can use specific web marketing channels and tools which can help them optimize their online communication strategy to all the different stakeholders. We collected 9 trending B2B web marketing channels: B2B Matchmaking Platforms: B2B Matchmaking Platforms are platforms where businesses can register, describe…
5 SEO Tips for a B2B web site
Mobile Optimization: from the analysis on our B2B customers’websites more than 60% of traffic comes from mobile devices. In some cases, this number is even higher than 80%. This means that from one side your B2Bs search on Google from their mobiles when they want…
Isabella Federico
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